Friday, January 27, 2006

Njiabu Noël N

I was born in Bamenda, precisely in Bengwi town. As I grew up as a child, I was much more interested in sports than academics. But as I entered secondary school, I learned of many great scientists like Faraday and Newton and their discoveries. I was moved by these discoveries and decided that I would one day discover something that would help me, my family and nation Cameroon, and the world as a whole. From then, I have been taking my science subjects seriously and I think I’m really doing well. But there is one sad piece of news –a problem that I’ve looked at as an African tradition eventhough it may not be the case for some Africans. “Poverty” is what is trying to put me down. I am not very strong financially. Eventhough my father is a doctor and my mum a nurse, they have so many of us to sponsor including thoe who came from the village. However, I have been praying and believe that God will never fail me and with him, I’m sure to have my dreams come true, not only in academics but also in sports because I’m also interested in sports. In fact I am presently taking part in the inter-school football competition. I believe that with God, all things are possible.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice photo man wich to see more and hope will share be in cameroon one day

8:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one man that post built my inspiration greet your mum for and teh rest of family.that your post inspire me.wich to see more
stay bless
take care

8:43 PM


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