Friday, January 27, 2006

Akwo Pius

My name is Akwo Pius a 17 year old student and a high school junior studying chemistry, physics, and mathematics in government high school Limbe. I am a resident in Bota, south west province- Cameroon.
My greatest wish is to become a learned person in the future. Our world is fast metamorphosing into a world o technology. People are beginning to have diverse ways of thinking. New ideologies are being evolved that reduce time wastage and ensure high productivity. In order to cope with this situation, one has to adapt in all fields.
In my leisure time, I take delight in playing football, scrabble, browsing the internet, reading novels, or swimming, especially during the cool hours of the day. Apart from the above listed activities, I also like listening to news broadcasted on either BBC or CNN.

After high school, I plan on studying chemical engineering. At first, I had no intensions on applying to colleges in the US, but with the information I got after attending iREACT, I became motivated. In the previous days, whenever I visited a computer site, I spent most of my time reading mail, watching pictures, and playing games. iREACT really motivated me a lot. I later on realized how much valuable time I was wasting playing games rather than doing important things that will help to shape my aspirations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you by any chance related to a Peter Akwo???

3:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think i am familiar with that name.

10:48 AM


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