Friday, January 27, 2006

Mokube Morike

Every human being is so different or unque in a way. Everyone has different dreams and aspirations. Most of these visions are actually the very purpose of our existence. It is actually the very reason why we were born. As a person I have visions which are unique. Visions which do not come upon me by themselves but are paved by God for a particular purpose. My visions are what keep me going when everything seems to go bad. The activity I carry out most obviously must be part of the process of accomplishing my visions.

I am seventeen years old right now and I was born on May 27 1988. I know there is something I must accomplish. This knowledge came upon me when I was in lower sixth (11th grade). I do not like religion at all. I hate rituals, I am fed up with dogma. What is in my life now is a kind of passion that draws me close to people. I hate to see people suffering . I just hate it so much I love people. This is not random at all but it is geared towards setting those whoa re captives free from their captivity. I am aware not everyone believes there is a good God. My vision is actually about capturing such souls for Gods glory. I can not just do it without my power but by the Holy Spirit.

My life is shaped by this vision. I have an unconquerable thirst to know God. Not knowing about God, but to know God. I love him. When I wake up every morning, after taking about two hours of studies on my course work, I do what is the most important part of my daily life. My Bible is by my side. But I don’t only meditate in God’s word, I seek the Spirit of God. I am honestly tired of hearing fables and legends. I am tired of not knowing who the Holy Spirit is. I begin to seek Him. This is no religion. It is not routine. It is love and heartfelt desire. It is passions that burn in me. I will emphasize on a point earlier mentioned. I have to see or hear of the sufferings of people. This is not my natural self, this is something for a purpose. Money has never solved the problem of man’s thirst. Power has not solved it. Religion has instead provoked more devastation. So I am after what would change the course of humanity. I love it. Staying a single day without meeting God and meditating on his word would make me very miserable. I do other things like playing football and other sports like martial arts. My career is focused on reviving hope into souls. I love medicine and I am focused on that. I also frequently visit the net and iREACT has helped to sensitize me on the information resources at the internet.

iREACT is nothing on its own. If it was just a set of computers then it would have no meaning. What actually moves me about this program is the devotion of the two coordinators. I love what they are doing and love them too. Fawah is mainly pursuing her vision and it has an influence on the way I shall exert myself for my own vision. That’s the main way iREACT has impacted me.
In conclusion, I am really blessed and my main focus is to use this blessing, skill and talent for God’s glory and for impacting the lives of every single person I encounter in my life.


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