Friday, January 27, 2006

Julius Emo

I am Julius Emo M. from Government High School Limbe. I am a Cameroonian coming particularly from the South West province. I’m in Upper Sixth Science and live with my mother, younger brothers and sisters who are also students in primary and secondary school. Our father is of late. I enjoy playing football and being a comedian. I also go to the farm at least every weekend.

I wish to become a doctor, an engineer (electrical, mechanical, petroleum etc) or a teacher in the field of science. I would love to assist my family as soon as I’m trained and have a well-paying job especially because I’m the first child and first son as well. I aim at one day schooling in the US and am currently considering the following schools: MIT, Harvard/Radcliffe Colleges and Williams College. These are good schools from which I can acquire skill in the science field.

Initially, I had no information about how to get admission into US colleges but thanks to the iREACT staff, I now have sufficient information and also understand that one does not not need to be rich to apply as I previously thought. I also can now share this information with others.

Kowo Cyril

I’m called Kowo Cyril and I’m 17 years old. At this age it’s often difficult to tell someone who we are with respect to our intrinsic qualities. What I know about myself so far is that I’m a very inquisitive person. The sort of curiosity I exercise is not trying to pry into others’ private lives but a yearning for knowledge born of the strangeness of the society in which I live –a society still plagued with traces of the foul ways of some dim past in which simple happenings are ascribed to some prenatural, eccentric or diabolic contrivance. Being fortunate to have had a glimpse of how a real world should be, I’ve developed the habit of delving into books about places around the world. I’ve learned to be perceptive, looking into nooks and crannies for something to feed my unsatiable hunger for knowledge with.
My hobbies are: watching American movies (science fiction and horror), soccer, sauntering around town with friends, reading (science fiction, fantasy and horror novels), and listening to music (Celine Dion, Westlife etc). reading, being my favorite pastime, has given me a “view through the spy-glass” into the magnificent world of science fiction and reality.
My ambition in life is directly linked to my love of the scientific which I’ve discovered in novels. My imagination reels with strange ideas about a world of complex flying modules and fantastic gadgets that do unbelievable things. I guess it’s conviction that I’ve got the makings of an engineer.

Noela Achu: How I spend my days on earth

The world around us is a world of curiosity and determination. It’s quite diffcicult to know my real self since it is usually said “man is what he thinks he is when he is not”. I am the third out of four children. Every morning, I do the usual things a human being in right mind should do, like pray take a bath, eat my breakfast and do some work. I go to school every Monday to Friday and sometimes on Saturdays for extra classes. On weekends, I do my laundry, cook and clean the house. After these chores, I take a bath, visit friends, go shopping and sometimes go swimming. These are my hobbies. After having fun in the day, I return home to study my notes and prepare for the next school week.
In school, I listen to lectures attentively, study with friends and chat about how we spent the weekend. We chat about the mischievous things we did, how we hung out with guys and things like that. Sometimes, our chats could be about the clubs we went to or the relatives we visited. All these and more describe how I spend my days on earth.

Mokube Morike

Every human being is so different or unque in a way. Everyone has different dreams and aspirations. Most of these visions are actually the very purpose of our existence. It is actually the very reason why we were born. As a person I have visions which are unique. Visions which do not come upon me by themselves but are paved by God for a particular purpose. My visions are what keep me going when everything seems to go bad. The activity I carry out most obviously must be part of the process of accomplishing my visions.

I am seventeen years old right now and I was born on May 27 1988. I know there is something I must accomplish. This knowledge came upon me when I was in lower sixth (11th grade). I do not like religion at all. I hate rituals, I am fed up with dogma. What is in my life now is a kind of passion that draws me close to people. I hate to see people suffering . I just hate it so much I love people. This is not random at all but it is geared towards setting those whoa re captives free from their captivity. I am aware not everyone believes there is a good God. My vision is actually about capturing such souls for Gods glory. I can not just do it without my power but by the Holy Spirit.

My life is shaped by this vision. I have an unconquerable thirst to know God. Not knowing about God, but to know God. I love him. When I wake up every morning, after taking about two hours of studies on my course work, I do what is the most important part of my daily life. My Bible is by my side. But I don’t only meditate in God’s word, I seek the Spirit of God. I am honestly tired of hearing fables and legends. I am tired of not knowing who the Holy Spirit is. I begin to seek Him. This is no religion. It is not routine. It is love and heartfelt desire. It is passions that burn in me. I will emphasize on a point earlier mentioned. I have to see or hear of the sufferings of people. This is not my natural self, this is something for a purpose. Money has never solved the problem of man’s thirst. Power has not solved it. Religion has instead provoked more devastation. So I am after what would change the course of humanity. I love it. Staying a single day without meeting God and meditating on his word would make me very miserable. I do other things like playing football and other sports like martial arts. My career is focused on reviving hope into souls. I love medicine and I am focused on that. I also frequently visit the net and iREACT has helped to sensitize me on the information resources at the internet.

iREACT is nothing on its own. If it was just a set of computers then it would have no meaning. What actually moves me about this program is the devotion of the two coordinators. I love what they are doing and love them too. Fawah is mainly pursuing her vision and it has an influence on the way I shall exert myself for my own vision. That’s the main way iREACT has impacted me.
In conclusion, I am really blessed and my main focus is to use this blessing, skill and talent for God’s glory and for impacting the lives of every single person I encounter in my life.

Akwo Pius

My name is Akwo Pius a 17 year old student and a high school junior studying chemistry, physics, and mathematics in government high school Limbe. I am a resident in Bota, south west province- Cameroon.
My greatest wish is to become a learned person in the future. Our world is fast metamorphosing into a world o technology. People are beginning to have diverse ways of thinking. New ideologies are being evolved that reduce time wastage and ensure high productivity. In order to cope with this situation, one has to adapt in all fields.
In my leisure time, I take delight in playing football, scrabble, browsing the internet, reading novels, or swimming, especially during the cool hours of the day. Apart from the above listed activities, I also like listening to news broadcasted on either BBC or CNN.

After high school, I plan on studying chemical engineering. At first, I had no intensions on applying to colleges in the US, but with the information I got after attending iREACT, I became motivated. In the previous days, whenever I visited a computer site, I spent most of my time reading mail, watching pictures, and playing games. iREACT really motivated me a lot. I later on realized how much valuable time I was wasting playing games rather than doing important things that will help to shape my aspirations.

Leonard Tumbong

I am called Leonard, nicknamed Lloyd. I’m a Camerooonian aged eighteen, was born at Bamenda a town in the Northwest province. I’m a student in lower sixth studying the sciences ie maths, chem, bio, physics, and further maths. My environment has taught me the advantages of interacting with people of different races. As a center of education in my country it has made me to be hard working since it is the only way to success in life and also spend at most 6 hours to sleep.

I have a dream of one day becoming an engineer in chemical engineering and with the aid that the iREACT program has given me, many of my thoughts and things which I never knew have been made clear to me. It has taught me that to successfully apply to a college abroad (US) you only need to have determination, commitment, and sacrifice. It also taught me how to choose a good technology college and in my opinion, I have chosen Williams College, Colby College, Kenyon College and am seriously working hard towards achieving my goal.

Njike Nicole

I am Njike Nicole. I am 17 years old and I’m in my final year in high school. I come from an average living family consisting of four children with my father being of late.
Talking more about myself, well, I am a very very determined person. I almost always achieve all what I set my mind on. I am also very curious and inquisitive. I’m patient and I talk when necessary, because it is said that “in the multitude of words, there is always sin”. I try as much as possible to be peaceful, especially with peers. Sincerely, no matter how hard I try, I still sometimes have a clash with friends. But you know, life revolves around understanding one another. Talking about my hobbies, I like reading novels, watching films and sports, especially athletism. Infact, I like things which make life comfortable.

iREACT, as I can say, is the most fascinating educational program I’ve ever encountered in my entire life. The organisers and co-ordinators have been very polite, trying as much as possible to answer our numerous questions. I really admire them. Also, the program has fed me with information which on my own, I wouldn’t have been able to achieve easily. Furthermore, I have learnt more about sharing what I have or know with friends. From this program, I have understood that schools in the US are really out to help African students, especially those who meet up with their tasks.

Njiabu Noël N

I was born in Bamenda, precisely in Bengwi town. As I grew up as a child, I was much more interested in sports than academics. But as I entered secondary school, I learned of many great scientists like Faraday and Newton and their discoveries. I was moved by these discoveries and decided that I would one day discover something that would help me, my family and nation Cameroon, and the world as a whole. From then, I have been taking my science subjects seriously and I think I’m really doing well. But there is one sad piece of news –a problem that I’ve looked at as an African tradition eventhough it may not be the case for some Africans. “Poverty” is what is trying to put me down. I am not very strong financially. Eventhough my father is a doctor and my mum a nurse, they have so many of us to sponsor including thoe who came from the village. However, I have been praying and believe that God will never fail me and with him, I’m sure to have my dreams come true, not only in academics but also in sports because I’m also interested in sports. In fact I am presently taking part in the inter-school football competition. I believe that with God, all things are possible.

Njiomu Fidelis


I am called Fidelis, a Cameroonian aged 17, a student in the lower sixth science in a school called GBHS and offering Biology, chemistry, physics, maths and further maths. I wish to study petrochemical engineering. Where I live people there are so determined to work and this has also taught me how to work hard in everything I do. I usually visit the internet but iREACT has improved my zeal because I learned how to apply to schools abroad and also how to choose colleges abroad.

I like playing handball, lawn tennis, singing and dancing. I would really like to be admitted in MIT but I have to apply to other schools if I’m not taken in MIT. I would like to apply to Kenyon, Williams, and Colby College.

Ndah David

I am a high school junior student of GHS Limbe offering chem, physics, and math. My parents and friends call me Ndah A. David. I intend on being an engineer so that the minor and major problem of our society can be rectified.

During my leisure period, I find great pleasure in playing lawn tennis and browsing the internet. I am also deeply in love with scrabble.
When a man knows where he is coming from and where he is heading to, then he must have attained stability. I once entered the door of life and could not find my way out. I tried all I could but all that I did could bear sour fruits. I helplessly sat down on the floor as I was staring at the closed doors with disappointment. I suddenly saw a bright light on a wall. I reacted with fear sand to my greatest surprise, it was a key made of gold. On it was written “iREACT” and that key has been of great help to me.

Njiabu Emmanuel M

My name is Njiabu Emmnuel Mbah but my friends call me Njiabu. I school in GHS Limbe and live at Mile One, Limbe. My hobby is football because I’m talented at playing it, but I spend most of my time browsing the internet over the weekend. When it comes to carrying out practical activities in school or at home, my interest and participation is usually dominant to others. That is why I have become class prefect about three times from when I started secondary school.
I have always loved to have friends, especially from abroad, who are loving, serious about things of important achievements, and are also open idea-sharing people. I also like people I could learn from, and who could also learn from me. Sometimes I prefer friends who are girls, so that when it comes to chatting about social life it will be more interesting, since we will be of different points of view. Success wishes to you, not only in your exams but also in life. Remember, seek from God, and you shall find.

Chu Emmanuel

I am Chu Emmanuel. 23rd December 2005 was my 19th birthday. I’m a Cameroonian. I’m the first in my family. I live in the southern province of Cameroon. I’m a quiet boy. I love reading novels, chatting, and sharing ideas with others. I’m sociable but don’t cherish things. I’m a high school senior and read mathematics, biology, chemistry, Further mathematics and physics. I’m struggling to be the best I can, and I will be in university next academic year.

iReact has helped me a lot. I hope to be in any university in the US by 2007. I thought that getting into a university in the US goes only to the rich. I did not know it is possible for every body to be a student in the US. You must be committed and well organized. iREACT has revealed to me much about being an international student in the US. I believe and strongly hope to be an international student in the US. I have only one problem now, financial difficulty. I wish I had the money to follow the admission process and to register for the SAT 2 and TOEFL exams.

Wish everybody a nice time
Enjoy yourself

Awungafac George

My name is Awungafac George, but most often my friends call me Pappi or Georges. I am 18 years old and my birthday in 02.06. I was born into a polygamous home, where my father has two wives. My mom is the first and has 8 of us – 4 males 4 females. Among the 8 of us, I am last but one male died. My parent’s occupation is mainly farming. My father is a literate while my mother never went to school I completed my primary education while staying with my parents but when time came for me to to go to college I left home to stay with one of my brothers, and until now I still live in his house and attend school.

I love having fun, and it is always a pleasure for me to make a tour around my environment. I like to play football, to listen to music during leisure time, read story books, and watch movies.

Since I entered college, my vision has always been to attend university abroad, especially in the USA. As a child of God, I believe that one day my dreams shall no longer be dreams but realities. My objective now is to seek for an opportunity in a university in the United States. Through iREACT, I have had some early signs of dream-come-true because before now I did not know the procedure on how to apply and have access to college in the USA. But through the sensitization of iREACT, the procedure is very easy for me. iREACT is such a wonderful program.

Tanyi John Tanyi

I am called Tanyi John Tanyi (TJT), a student of Government High School Limbe of age 16 and sex, male. I am offering Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Biology. I am aimed at becoming a medical doctor or a petrochemical engineer from one of the schools in the US. My main focus now is to achieve th goal of becoming a medical doctor or petrochemical engineer.
I am the second of a family of four. I enjoy solving scientific problems and reading books that are science-related. I like browsing the internet and visiting friends as my extraccurricular activities. I am a gentleman and I believe I have certain talents which are unknown to me. I therefore need someone who will be my mentor in order to direct me on what profession to choose and how to pursue my talent.

I had in mind that when I must have been through with high school, I could go further my studies in the US. I did not know what type of school to choose which will be of advantage to me based on what I will like to become in future. This was because I knew nothing about schools in the US. I wish to express my sincere thanks to iREACT which has shaped my dreams and guided me on the type of school I have to choose. iREACT has also widened my knowledge on the internet and how I should spend my time when I visit it.

Emmanuel Oru Ayuk: “The long awaited medical doctor”

Born in Kumba –Cameroon, I am Emmanuel Oru Ayuk, presently a senior high school student in Government High School Limbe. I am taking Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Further Mathematics.
My dream to become a remarkable and influential person on planet Earth has always grown proportionately with my age and thinking. It has always been green and becomes greener every new day of my life.

Though deprived of a loose and very free childhood like the other children in my town, I enjoy staying indoors, watching television, singing and questioning everything that happens around me being inquisitive. I also enjoy dismantling and rebuilding electronic toys, going to the farm during the weekend and going to church on Sundays. I rarely go for a trip during the holidays.
After my primary school education, I found my way into secondary school. I knew very little about my future till I realised that I had a bridge to cross. This bridge was my end of course examination in secondary school. I then became agitated and energised by two things: first, the limit of my parents and secondly, the reading zeal of one senior high school student whom I watched closely. Before I could realise it, I had obtained the first valuable certificate in life (GCE Ordinary Level certificate). Thereafter, I sprang forward like a wondering lion into high school, where I had an academic retaradation due to lack of some necessary material for that level. It was an academic year of struggles, but yet I meandered through successfully. Here I am, arming myself for June 2006, when I have my final year exams. Not only have I picked up studies once again, I have in had for the moment an 80% success guarantee in my Advanced level exams.

My zeal and hopes for a good post high school course have been boosted by iREACT, thanks to students from MIT who brought to my footstool assurance for a good study place which will prepare me to affect my generation. Oh MIT, Harvard, Williams College, how I long to walk along your paths and feel your warmth in the nearest future, come 2007. I will always be ready to learn and know more about choosing a good and the right university. I know it’s not easy, but behold “sometimes it falls upon a nation to be great, and I can be that great nation”. Blessed be the day the world’s most remarkable and long-awaited medical doctor will cross the finish line.

Thursday, January 26, 2006
